Friday, August 6, 2010

last Day at Castilleja

Today was the last day of Castilleja. I sooooooooo wish that I can come again!!!!! But my mom said she might be sending me to Hakers next time.:,(. But it's still might.
Might,heard it? Might. Anyway,today was so sad! But it was fun too. Because guess what day is it? Family day!You get to bring your family members and they also take your classes!
First period was Science o'Rama. We did the pickle light bulb experiment. Mom gasped.It was fun!
Next was Party Planners.We played musical Chairs. It wasn't as fun as normal Party Planners because usually,we plan parties.
Third period is Box City.We usually make a city out of boxes. But today was different. We took down box city.
Next is Graphic Design. We printed out all our works. Then,we could do whatever we wanted.
Last is Capture the Flag. This is very exciting because it's kids v.s.adults.we won one round and they won the other.
Then we have closing meeting. We watched this slide show of Castilleja. We also signed each other's shirts as yearbooks.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Today at Castillija

Today at Castillija is a normal day.So I've decided that to tell you my story of the Castillija Gohst.(Juat for your imformation,on the third floor of Castillija lives a zombie,4 gohts,and a lanyard witch.)Anyways,once,a little girl called-hey,wait a minute,that girl's last name is same as yours!-Violet was walking down the hall of the third floor at night 'caus a counciler might see her.She isn't afraid of anything so she went to visit the gohsts.At the middle of the night,the people who lived near Castillija all heard a terrifying scream.The next day,Violet was absent.And the day after that.And the day after that.She was absent forever.People thought she went to another school.But she didn't.She will stay here forever and ever to haunt the third floor.(If you belive this,you're dumb.)THE END

Camp Field Trip

Last week,we were going to the BEST field trip ever:The Freemont Water Park!!!!!!But sadly,they ran out of electricity.So we didn't get to go and went to the park instead.:(So I can't write anything about it.

Rock climbing

Last week,Blah Blah,Witch,Alison,Justin,Louisa,and me went rock climbing.We went on this tedious hike wich took like for hours.Finally, we got to our first rock to climb.Oh yeah,I forgot to tell the preperation before hiking.We had to find the right shoe size of the climbing shoes.Then,we had to pack our helmet.Last,we tied our harness.During the hike,there were poison oaks all around us.the first rock,anywat,was hard th climb.We had to tie our harness to the rope.That's were I got my boo boo.Next,we walked a little then came to this rock with really much holes.that's good 'caus it'll be easier to climb.After that we had to do the tedious hike again but more tedious because we're exausted and it's the way up.THE END!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Yesterday I had a fun day. I had 2 activities. One of them is go to Great America. I rode on the scariest roller coaster! It's the Flight Deck. All the people on it is much odler than me!Amd I'm only 8and a half!!!All of my friends were afraid except for a 11 year old girl. She also went with me on The Orbit,scary but fun.The other activity was going to my cousin's house. They are Michelle and Alan.They ROCK!!!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Field trip day to the beach

Today we went to the beach.It was fun. We got to soak our feet into the sand. And let the waves splash our feet. For lunch I ate peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We also got juice and chips. Me and blah blah made 2 deep holes. The witch joined her sandcastle with it. It was super duper fun :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summer Camp

Today is the second day of summer camp.It was fun.I had 5 subjects.My favorite 2 is delicious dinners and comic book creations. We get to pick our own subjects.The lunch was great,too! I had fun.Bla Bla and Wit